Pre-prayer STRETCH!
Physically stretch your arms and
hands up to God.

Physically stretch your arms and
hands up to God in surrender.
Without him you are nothing…In him
you can do all things! Give yourself up
to his calling, to his will, knowing that once your heart is restored in and by
him, he will give you the desires of your heart as you co-labor with him.
Physically stretch your arms and
hands up to God in worship, adoration,
praise, and devotion.
He is the Creator of all things,
including you. Praise him for who he is,
what he has done, what he is doing and what he yet plans to do…in you and in
the earth.
My dear Lord Jesus,
I come to you now to be restored in you (to receive the 2
fold increase--the stretch--you have promised). (Zachariah 9:12)
I come to you to be renewed in you, to receive your life and
your love and all the grace and mercy I so desperately need this day.
I honor you as my Lord.
I surrender every aspect and dimension of my life to you.
I give you my spirit, soul, and body, my heart, my mind, and
my will.
I cover myself with your blood—my spirit, soul, and body, my
heart, my mind, and my will.
I ask your Holy Spirit to restore me in you, renew me in
you, and lead me in this time of prayer.
In all that I now pray, I stand in total agreement with your
Spirit and with all those praying for me by the Spirit of God and by the Spirit
of God alone.
In all that I now pray I include: (list those you want to include by
name…family, friends, leaders, etc.)
Dearest God,
Holy and victorious Trinity, you
alone are worthy of all my worship,
all my heart’s devotion,
all my praise,
all my trust,
and all the glory of my life.
I love you, I worship you, and give myself over to you in my
heart’s search for life.
You alone are Life, and you have become my life.
I renounce all other gods, every idol, and I give to you,
God, the place in my heart and in my life that you truly deserve.
This is all about you, and not about me.
You are the Hero of this story, and I belong to you.
I ask your forgiveness for my every sin.
Search me,
know me, and
reveal to me where you are working in my life,
and grant to me the grace of your healing and deliverance
and a deep and true repentance.
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for loving me and choosing me before you made the
I declare that You ARE my TRUE Father—my creator, my
redeemer, my sustainer, and the true end of all things, including my life.
Father, I love you, I trust you, I worship you.
I give myself over to you to be one with you as Jesus is one
with you.
Thank you, Father, for proving your love for me by
sending Jesus.
I receive him and all his life and all his work which you
ordained FOR ME.
Thank you for
including me in Christ,
forgiving me my sins,
granting me his righteousness,
and making me complete in him.
Thank you, Father, for making me alive (ONE) with
raising me with him,
seating me with him at your right hand,
establishing me in his authority,
and anointing me with your love and your Spirit and your
I receive it all with thanks and give it total claim to my
life—my spirit, soul, and body, my heart, my mind, and my will.
Thank you for coming to ransom me with your own life.
I love you. I worship you. I trust you.
I give myself over to you to be ONE with you in all things.
I receive all the work and triumph of your cross, death,
blood, and sacrifice for me, through which my every sin is atoned for.
By your blood I am ransomed,
delivered from the kingdom of darkness,
and transferred to your kingdom of Light.
Through your blood my sin nature is removed,
my heart is circumcised unto God,
and every claim being made against me is cancelled and
I am healed of every disease by your stripes.
I take my place now in your cross and death,
dying with you to sin,
to my flesh,
to this world,
to the evil one and his kingdom.
I take up the cross and crucify my flesh with all its pride,
arrogance, unbelief, gluttony, and idolatry. (and anything else you struggle with)
I put off the old man.
Apply to me all the work and triumph in your cross, death,
blood, and sacrifice; I receive it with thanks and give it total claim to my
spirit, soul, and body, my heart, my mind, and my will.
I also receive you as my Life.
I receive all the work and triumph in your resurrection,
through which you have conquered sin,
and the evil one.
Death has no power over you, nor does any foul thing.
The power that raised you from the dead has raised me with
you to a new life, to live your life—
dead to sin, sickness, death, and judgement,
and alive to God's power, wisdom and revelation.
I receive that power that raised you from the dead!
I take my place now in your resurrection and in your life,
and I give my life to you to live your life.
I am saved by your life.
I reign in life through your life.
I receive your hope, your love, your faith, your joy, your
goodness, authenticity, wisdom, power, and strength.
I receive your divine health.
Apply to me all the work and triumph in your resurrection; I
receive it with thanks, and I give it total claim to my spirit, soul, and body,
my heart, my mind, and my will.
I also sincerely receive you as my authority, rule, and
dominion; my everlasting victory against Satan and his kingdom.
I receive you as my ability to bring your Kingdom at all
times and in every way.
I receive all the work and triumph in your ascension,
through which Satan has been judged and cast down, and all authority in heaven
and on earth has been given to you.
All authority in the heavens and on this earth HAS been
given to you, Jesus, and you ARE worthy to receive all
glory and honor,
power and dominion,
now and forever.
I take my place now in your authority and in your throne,
through which I have been raised with you to the right hand of the Father and
established in your authority.
I give myself to you, to reign with you always. Apply to me
all the work and triumph in your authority and your throne;
I receive it with thanks and I give it total claim to my
life: my spirit, soul, and body, my heart, my mind, and my wilI.
I now bring the authority, the rule,
and the dominion of the Lord Jesus Christ and the full work of Christ over my
life TODAY: over my home, my household, my work, over all my kingdom and
I bring the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and the full
work of Christ against every evil power coming against me—against every foul
spirit, every foul power and device.
I bring the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and the full
work of Christ against: (Name the things
that have been attacking you. Examples:
doubt, despondency, and unbelief; strife, pride, division, infirmity,
pain, addiction, fatigue, inefficiency, lazyiness, busy-ness, rejection, lies,
and stress. This is just a very short
list of possibilities, Ask God what you
should pray here.)
I cut them off in the name of the Lord; I bind and banish
them from me and from my kingdom now, in the mighty name of Jesus
Christ. I loose all their effects.
In their place, I release the spirit of
God...I release (the Godly opposite of
the things attacking you. Examples for the
above: faith, unity, love, joy, harmony, humility, divine health, efficiency, acceptance, truth, enthusiasm, and
I declare that I REST in Jesus Christ!
I also bring the full work of Christ between me and every
person, and I allow only the love of God and only the Spirit of God between us.
Holy Spirit,
Thank you for coming. I love you, I
worship you, I trust you. I receive all the work and triumph in Pentecost,
through which you have come.
You have clothed me with power from
on high.
You have sealed me in Christ.
You have become my union (my
ONE-ness) with the Father and the Son, and the Spirit of truth in me.
YOU are the life of God in me.
You ARE my counselor, my comforter,
my strength, and my guide.
I honor you as Lord. I
fully give to you every aspect and dimension of my spirit, soul, and body, my
heart, my mind, and my will—to be filled with you and to walk in step with you
in all things.
Fill me afresh, Holy Spirit.
Restore my union with the Father and
the Son.
Lead me into all truth. Speak
to me often TODAY!
Anoint me for ALL of my life and
walk and calling.
Anoint me with your Spirit of
wisdom and revelation that I might know you better. (Eph 1:17)
Fill me with the knowledge of your
will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. (Col 1:9)
Lead me deeper into Jesus
I declare that I bear your fruit
of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23NIV).
I receive you with thanks, and I
give you total claim to my life.
(Spend some time praying/singing in
the Spirit.)
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for granting to me every spiritual blessing
in Christ Jesus.
I claim the riches in Christ Jesus over my life today.
I bring the blood of Christ once more over my spirit, soul,
and body, over my heart, my mind, and my will. Cleanse me and make me whiter
than snow that I might be worthy of your armor.
I now put on the full armor of God:
I put on the belt of truth--that I might discern what is
right, holy, good and true.
I put on the breastplate of righteousness--to protect my
It is my most precious possession and it matters to you!
Thank you for the knowledge that my heart is good and I AM in right
standing with you.
I am clay in your potter's hands. Mold me into the
likeness of Christ.
I am your sheep and I hear your voice. Help me to hear
it more clearly each day and to respond to it without hesitation as your
I am your child...child of the King, YOU protect (Psa 91),
YOU teach, YOU direct (Isa 48:17), YOU comfort, YOU discipline, and YOU provide
(Matt 7:7-8, Isa 58:11) for me!
I am your friend and you share your secrets with me. (John15:15) Lord,
you said that if I would ask, you would show me great and mighty things that I
do not know. Lord I'm asking. Show me great and mighty things. (Jer 33:3)
I AM your Beloved..you LOVE me with everlasting, passionate love! (Jeremiah 31:3, Song of Solomon)
We are ONE. (John 17:21)
I put on the shoes of the gospel that I might be ready,
willing, able, and eager to share the good news of Jesus.
I put on the helmet of salvation to protect my mind.
For I wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this
world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12)
I remind principalities, powers, rulers, and familiar
spirits that they have NO RIGHT to touch my life in ANY WAY for I AM in
covenant with the Lord Most High and hidden in the shadow of his wings!
(Psalm 91:1-2).
The weapons of my warfare are not carnal but are mighty
through God for pulling down strongholds and casting down vain imaginations and
every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Therefore I take every thought captive and bring it into
obedience to Christ.(2 Cor 10:3-5).
I choose to think about those things that are
and praiseworthy. (Philippians
4:8 )
I take up the shield of faith to extinguish EVERY wicked
dart the enemy tries to hit me with.
No weapon formed against me shall prosper. (Isaiah 54:17)
I affect and enforce God's original plans and purposes over
and against the plans and purposes of Satan. (Psalm 33:11)
Jesus came that I might have life ....ABUDANTLY! (John
I take up the sword of the Spirit--the WORD of God (Jesus,
the Bible, his Word for me today!) that I might aggressively advance on the
enemy's camp and take captives captive. (Isaiah 49:25, Ephesians 4:8)
I announce that it is You, God, who have blessed me.
It is You who empowers me.
It is not by my might nor by my power, but by the Spirit of
the Lord that I am victorious. (Zachariah 4:6)
For when the enemy comes in like a flood, your Spirit lifts
up a standard against him. (Isaiah 59:19 KJV)
I CHOOSE to be strong in you, Lord, and in the strength of
YOUR might, to pray at all times in the Spirit.
I choose to rejoice in you always (Philippians 4:4), because
Your joy IS my strength! (Neh 8:10)
Jesus ,
Thank you for your angels.
I summon them in the name of Jesus Christ and instruct them
to destroy all that is raised against me,
to establish your Kingdom over me,
to guard me day and night.
I ask you to send forth your Spirit to raise up prayer and
intercession for me.
I now call forth the kingdom of God
throughout my home, my household, my kingdom, and domain in the authority of
the Lord Jesus Christ, giving all glory, honor, and thanks to him.
(By the authority of the Lord Jesus
Christ I pray for...........Lift up your personal prayer requests to God.)
Now may your kingdom come and YOUR
will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
In Jesus Name, So Be It!
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