I got to keep JoyFull...long story.
Now my love and I are embarking on a new adventure of living in an RV and traveling around the US with JoyFull and Treasure. I will be serving up lessons to the unserved Parelli family and Dave will speaking in schools, libraries and churches about his 10,000 mile journey walking and hitchhiking around the US raising funds for 2 orphanages in South Sudan.
The Lord has already given us a glimpse of an itinerary at least for the first 3-6 months and we look forward to keeping you informed and meeting many new friends as well as touching base with old ones.
Dave and I have made it a contest to keep our blogs posted on a weekly basis, so be sure to follow us. Dave's blog will be at: www.walking4kids.blogspot.com. I plan to post on WED's.
See you soon!
Teri (Sprague) Strege
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