Devil’s Garden—Craters of the Moon National Monument, ID
As I thought about that tree and many others I have
photographed, they have one thing in common—they are NOT tall, straight,
specimens of the ideal tree…no, not all!
Instead they are bent or twisted, broken or, as in the first case, just plain
weird…which gives it character worth photographing!
It is the trials and challenges that they have dealt with
all their lives that give them that character.
Rarely have they “overcome” the challenge, rather they have adapted in
such a way as to thrive in spite of it.
Jesus said, “In this world you WILL have tribulation, but be
of good CHEER, I have overcome the world.”
He also said that he came to give us life abundantly. These two statements may seem at odds with
each other. There is no doubt that we
have trials. We all have experienced
them. But because He has overcome, we can thrive and be happy in spite--and sometimes
because--of them.
We are all one of life’s characters. Is your life hidden in Jesus today, so that
you can thrive in spite of your challenges?
View from the top of one of the craters. |
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