
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Expectations! Do You Have Some?

I have observed an interesting phenomenon. As I travel around the country teaching, often the same or similar philosophical principle arises in the lessons. Lately the concept is related to this Parelli-ism: Expect a lot, accept a little, reward often. Have you heard it before?

What I have noticed is as folks progress and some things start to get pretty, they stop making new, higher expectations.
It is probably the most noticeable in the circle game. Folks send the horse out on the circle, usually at a trot. After a while they bring the horse in and neither they nor the horse has a clue as to why they stopped. Remember it is the release or pause or change that teaches the horse. Whatever the horse does right before you stop making your request or right before you ask them to stop, is what they will think is the "right" answer. But if you had no expectation, how can they fulfill it? How can you know when a good time to stop will be? How will they know what the purpose even was?

Instead, try this: before sending the horse out, predetermine--in your own mind--what gait you want, how many laps, in what direction, with what quality. At first don't make this too complicated...2 laps to the right, at a working trot...but at levels 3 and 4 besides gait, quality and direction you might have expectation for expression and flexion as well as stringing together some transitions. Now when you bring the horse in, both of you will know why. The exercise will be more meaningful to both of you and you will be able to recognize progress! What a concept! If you are feeling stuck, change your expectation!...Or more likely…have a specific expectation.

This brings to mind a scripture: James 1:5-8 NIV. “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.”

When we "believe and not doubt" we create an expectation. Without an expectation God won't or can't send an answer . Without an expectation we are unstable in all things...even our horsemanship...

What kind of expectations are you setting up to be achieved by your beliefs...Expectations of your horse?...Of yourself?...Of God?

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