
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Beautiful Deserts

We stayed the weekend in Barstow, waiting for the second diesel repair place to open on Monday...they let us stay in their parking lot.  We took a walk each day, but I have to say it was not the friendliest place.  I bought some yarn to start making a crocheted blanket for our new

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Hospitals, Tow Trucks and Repair Services, Oh My! (Long)

Hospitals, Tow Trucks and Repair Services, Oh My!  (Long)

Dave had been planning for us to head easterly in order to go through Reno and  Carson City, NV and then down to the northeast side of Death Valley.  For some reason I was not feeling good about that route and reluctantly he changed his mind.  We headed straight south down I-5 and planned to cross the Sierras at Bakersfield.

Cali-forn-i-a Here we come!

I can't believe it has been almost a month since I posted...but when you read the next few posts, you will understand why.

After staying at Cape Blanco, we continued down the Oregon coast and on into Californ-I-A where we spent the night free in the parking lot of a casino at Smith River, CA.  That’s not the kind of place I would ordinarily hang out, but